The UCT Genesis Project 2013

Seven young, music-loving entrepreneurs – known as PANDACOUSTICS

We’re back!!! July 2, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — umphile @ 11:41 am

Hello again…

It has been a while since we last engaged! Ever since exam season kicked in there has literally been no time. We have gone from a group who used to spend everyday with each other to a group who occasionally whatsapp. I guess it was all about prioritizing, and we knew that exams were at the time very important. At the end of the day both academics and genesis play an equally important role. This is something we all thankfully agreed upon.


Now that exams have passed us by and we’ve all made through the first semester I think…(considering all the ‘let’s drink celebratory statements), we can finally get back onto our product full force.

Launch day is just over a month a way, which as we have witnessed is no time at all. We’ve tried to manage the process as efficiently as possible, by giving each person a responsibility to fulfil over a given time period. It is the duty of all members to report to the group regularly, and with any major decisions a group consensus is required. So yes the system is going well, and hopefully before we know it, we will be manufacturing and ready to sell!

So far these are the various responsibilities that we have all been focusing on:

Chris, Colin & Sly: manufacturing the product (boys stuff)

Candice: aesthetics

Tumi & Amy: packaging and social media/promotions

Shani: website and promotions

So basically over the duration of the holiday we have been having weekly meetings when possible. BUT we have also given ourselves a break which was well needed. We decided that we should all give ourselves time for relaxation over such a stressful term, and I must admit I look forward to going back fresh, with a clear mind…ready to rock n roll!


Well that is what is going down for now. We have a meeting coming up soon which seems as though it is going to be quite interesting, so I will be sure to document!



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