The UCT Genesis Project 2013

Seven young, music-loving entrepreneurs – known as PANDACOUSTICS

Being a salesman is no joke August 29, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — umphile @ 5:47 pm

On a personal level I have learned that it is quite important to distinguish between the activities involved in sales versus marketing. Marketing should be used to attract, whilst the attraction should be seen as an opportunity to convert into sales. It is quite important to recognise that with any opportunity you have to talk about your brand, business and product, you have an opportunity to close a sale. In selling, I’ve learned that you have to believe in your product, and portray this confidence through transactions. The power of this belief and trust has ultimately been a success in my ability to make a sale. Lastly I have recognised that it doesn’t get any easier down the line. It is important to maintain the same amount of enthusiasm throughout in order to project the excitement that captivates potential consumers. This has meant for me that I cannot afford to be idle and hope that sales will come to me. Instead I have to be the one to go out there and make the necessary sales, regardless of the number of failed attempts that have and will continue to occur.


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