The UCT Genesis Project 2013

Seven young, music-loving entrepreneurs – known as PANDACOUSTICS

The Future September 17, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — bosscandice @ 8:38 pm

Meeting today and discussing future plans, has really just hit me, how fast this year has gone by, I can remember just the other day walking into our first orientation meeting alone not knowing anyone. So as the year draws to a near close, we need to make important decisions about how we as Pandacoustics’ will carry on into the future and if not how we will close our business and who will we be handing it over to.

After much thought and combining of everyone’s plans and reflecting on our shareholders agreement, it has not been an easy process to figure out how to equally dissolve the assets, profits and stock on hand, but a plan is in place.

Pandacoustics’ does not wish to just let this idea and business fade away. It has been our aim from the very beginning to create job creation and a better future for at least some lives. It is through this goal that even after we as young entrepreneurs move onto our next phase of life, we would hope to at least keep Pandacoustics’ alive and hand it over to our manufacturers and through this way we can enrich their lives and empower them to enrich other people too.

Pandacoustics’ have decided to extend our period of operations till November because of our on going contracts and to capitalise on the end of year period for corporate gifts.


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