The UCT Genesis Project 2013

Seven young, music-loving entrepreneurs – known as PANDACOUSTICS

Music Elective September 19, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — bosscandice @ 9:50 pm

Today was the last day for music elective and it has been a pretty stimulating journey. I have learnt a lot about basic music rhythms, polyrhythms and harmony’s but this elective was about much more that just the music element. It was relating all these components into our daily lives and learning to link them to business as well, connecting the right and left brain.

Being creative is a way of thinking. It is a way of viewing the world, some have it more than others, but the most important thing is that we all have it and we all have the power to access it. Through singing and harmonising we learn to access this creativity within. At times we were so scared to sing in front of one another and it can create a sort of awkward aura in the room, but why is that? Why are we so scared to sing in front of others, but we would happily sing in the shower or in the car on our way to varsity when no on is around to hear us? The same is true for voicing your opinion in a conversation.

The interesting thing I have learnt about conversations, that might encourage you to express your opinion the next time in conversation is that, conversations are a meeting of minds, it doesn’t change perspectives, but creates new one’s, by formulating a perspective using each persons view.

It is not always easy to express your opinion or sing in front of others, because of fear, but challenge yourself to find the courage, because YOUR THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS MATTER. This has been my journey to finding my voice.


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